Project Configuration

Modelify uses Atlas to analyze your C code. In order to map your C code, Atlas needs the same settings that the compiler needs to build your project. The following guide explains common ways to import an existing C code base into an Eclipse CDT project, and to prepare it for use with Atlas and Modelify.

Install a C compiler

The later sections assume a C compiler is installed in your system.

If you already have a C compiler installed then you can skip this section. Otherwise you can install an open source C compiler using these steps.

Install gcc (MinGW) and make from MSYS2

Configure Modelify to use a C Compiler

If the compiler and build tool installation are not already on the PATH environment variable, you can configure Modelify to find the compiler. The following instructions assume you installed the MinGW compiler in the previous section.

Install Toolchain Support (Optional)

Modelify is distributed with support for gcc and gcc-based cross compiler toolchains. If the project requires a special compiler (other than gcc), you may need to install additional CDT features to support your toolchain.

Import C project into Eclipse

Configure C project for Atlas

At this point, your C project may already be configured correctly. In order for Atlas to obtain compiler settings (such as include paths and preprocessor directives), the CDT must be able to build your C project and observe invocations of your compiler. Review the steps below to ensure that Atlas can extract compiler information from the build process.

If your project uses a gcc-based cross compiler, configure the project to use it (instructions adapted from

The steps below detail the changes necessary to accurately map the files built.


To accurately map the project, it must be built so that the compiler invocations can be observed.


After the project has been successfully built, it can be mapped with Atlas.


If Atlas is unable to properly map the project, try the following:

If you experience difficulty in setting up Atlas, please contact for assistance.